
Video Surveillance Project in Sofia

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On April 2 2006 the CCTV video surveillance system covering downtown Sofia was put officially in operation. The system has been designed and realized by the joint company “Lirex BG – Sectron” and it is part of the long term strategy of Ministry of Interiors for undertaking active measures targeted at crime prevention and security consolidation. It is expected that several strategic goals will be achieved using the highly modern digital CCTV system including but not limited to traffic control, crime prevention and gathering of operational information at critical points known as places of pick pocketing, drug distribution and other antisocial activities.

Currently the system incorporates more than 100 cameras, situated on the main city traffic link between “TZUM” and “Orlov Most”. They provide surveillance data of traffic lanes, road intersections, under passage ways and buildings of greater importance. The project includes the use of standard fixed cameras, high speed PTZ dome cameras which cover larger areas and infrared illuminators. The image from all cameras is being translated by a digital data link to a Surveillance Center situated in the SDVR (Sofia Internal Affairs Department) building. In order to achieve this, video signal from each camera is digitally encoded by network video servers, and from there it is translated to the Surveillance Center via protected fiber optic communication network link, designed and built exclusively for use of the CCTV system. The archived video data will be used for detection of traffic law violations; detection and tracking of wanted vehicles; control of areas with high concentration of illegal activities like pick pocketing, drug sell, football vandalism etc. One of the main advantages of the new system is the lack of subjectivism throughout the collection and analysis of the video data as well as the protective features which do not allow aftermath manipulation of the video material.
The successful design and realization of system on a similar scale using conventional cameras Pelco and GE proves digital multicast video as the more flexible CCTV solution for bigger projects. It clearly demonstrates in practice the possibility to integrate existing analogue CCTV cameras in new large scale digital video networks with unified control interface. It also shows the unlimited system expansion capability that these systems have.

It can be said without any doubt that the cameras and the central control facilities provided by “Lirex BG – Sectron” mark the latest technical achievements in the digital CCTV surveillance field. Throughout the design project phase, the system has been closely adapted to the city specifics and needs thus assuring the best possible effect. Further more the quality of the end product and all the services provided by “Lirex BG – Sectron” was acknowledged by Ministry of Interiors chief staff as an effort to make Sofia a safer European city, providing its citizens and visitors technical security facilities of highest level.